Staffing Marketplace

Connecting job seekers and employers for full-time and part-time opportunities as well as temporary assignments.

Business aviation recruiting portal Business aviation recruiting portal

Comprehensive staffing portal serving all job seekers and employers for temporary assignments, full-time and part-time opportunities in Business Aviation.

Comprehensive staffing portal

How it works for Candidates

Candidate portal registration
1. Register
Spend only 5 mins to create a profile! Showcase your skills and experience with relevant documentation and let employers find you.
Job search portal
2. Search
We make your job search more efficient by matching your profile with relevant job openings. Browse the latest offers and get what you need in just a few clicks.
Track job application
3. Track
Track and manage your applications status in real-time with our intuitive online platform. Don’t be left in the dark.
Job application management solution
4. Accept
Receive the most accurate and relevant results and accept your dream job with ease.

Find your dream job

Set up a profile for free and be seen by hundreds of active recruiters on our database. Jet Aviation Staffing Marketplace, powered by Portside combines streamlined technology tools with numerous job postings.
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How it works for Employers


Find the right talent by posting your position. Get in front of thousands of qualified candidates.


Don’t wait for job applications to come through. Search through resumes, filter for potential candidates and invite them to apply.


Includes HR onboarding and payroll processing services for temporary employees. Stay compliant and let us manage employer tax responsibilities and process weekly payments directly to temporary employees.

Reach top talent in half the time

Automate and simplify the process of finding and evaluating candidates to make the right hire faster. Fulfill your schedule demand with the needed crew and staff to support your operation.

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Contact us to learn more or schedule a demo

We work with operators of every size around the world, and would be happy to learn more about your operation & discuss how we could help.
Contact Us

Some of Our Customers

Portside supports customers operating 10,000+ aircraft in 30+ countries.

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